Sitting on the bed wrapped in a blanket sipping hot cup of
chai (cha-i-yeee)
Oh winters!! So you have finally arrived…
The foggy mornings, the chilly air spreads in the zones
I turn to the jolly fireplace to warm my frozen bones…
Injecting heaps of laziness in this poor soul
Making one mile equal to two miles, the baby feet are not
ready for the stroll…
On the couch with my food bags, I enjoy the hot snacks
Food cravings multiply for me when this cold season is back…
The flakes of snow in the air land as a kiss upon my cheek
Sharing a secret message sent for my heart to read but not
to speak…
I paint the window panes in fairy lines with frozen steam
Creeping softly towards the door and see not even a single
face beam…
And back I am in my warm enclosure sipping hot cup of chaii
Slowly as time flies, I lie like a frosty sleepy head
bidding goodbye….